Takeout orders

Accessible via the online ordering service configuration page, the Takeout orders configuration takes into account orders made online for reception at the restaurant counter.

Reach the takeout order configuration

  1. Access to the configuration of services is via the general navigation menu, under the Configurations tab.
  2. Select Order online and you will have access to the general configuration of the online ordering service as well as to the order types via the platform.

General configuration

Edit the average order preparation and reception times, the service charges and the minimum amount for an online order.

Opening hours

Create and edit the opening days and hours of the online ordering service for takout in this section. You can create several time slots per day, outside of which the online ordering service for takout is disabled (unless you have activated the Order in advance option).

Take into account the preparation time you have set:

  1. This time will be added to the opening time to avoid receiving orders just when operations begin.
  2. Take into consideration that the preparation time is added to your closing time. For example, if you close at 8 p.m. and have a 30-minute deadline, your customer can make an order until 8:30 p.m.

Order in advance

Ordering in advance will allow your customers to select a reception time depending on availability. The order form will be printed at the time of purchase, but it will contain all the information necessary for the order to be ready at the time set for pickup or delivery.

  1. To activate the command, check the option with this name in this section.
  2. You can also activate orders for the coming days.
  3. Select an interval in minutes and a maximum number of commands per interval. An interval in minutes is a limit quantity of orders per selected interval. For example, if you have a limit of 5 orders and an interval of 15 minutes, you will receive a maximum of 5 online orders per 15 minutes.


Activate and enter a message here that will appear in a pop-up window when using the online take-out service. The message appears when the user has selected their branch.


When the customer sends a comment after a completed order, you can receive an alert through the contact method of your choice. Enter a phone number or email address to which the alert will be sent.

Click Save when your configurations are complete.

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