IDs, or unique identifiers, are the item numbers that allow iShopFood to place orders to a POS system with precision. IDs do not repeat; all the items available in a POS have an identifier which is exclusive to them.

When the order goes through, iShopFood punches the items using these IDs. Therefore, it is very important that each product exists on your POS as much for the main items as for its extras and combos.

If your ID is not existing in your POS, the customer will get an error message which will prevent the order from going through. If your ID is missing, the product will automatically be marked Unavailable and customers will not be able to add it to the cart. If your ID is wrong, the kitchen will get the wrong product.

Find and modify the ID of a product, extra, or combo product

  1. In the Inventory management page of the desired branch, click on the desired product, exta, or combo product.
  2. If it is a product : In the Payment information section, you will find the External ID information field. Enter or change the ID to synchronize the product on the online ordering interface with the one on your POS. Note that the variants of a product also have their own ID.
  3. If it is an extra or combo product : In the Payment information section, you will find the External ID information field. Enter or change the ID to sync the extra / combo product on the online ordering interface with the one on your POS.
  4. Click Save when your changes are complete.

Find the ID of a product on Maître'D

  1. To find the ID of a product on Maitre'D, first go to the MaitreD Back Office. Then click on Checkout control and Configure items .
  2. ID's can be found in the right column. To add IDs to iShopfood, do not copy leading zeros.
    Example: # 000110 is # 110.

Find the ID of a product on Véloce

  1. To find the ID of a product on Véloce, go to Point of Sale Control and then to Items . Click on the menu category button, then on your product.
  2. A window will open with the product configurations. The ID will be on the header of the window. Do not confuse the item number with the button number.
  3. You can also search for IDs directly from the Point of Sale Control screen by clicking on the Search button. In this window you can search for items, except that the ID will be in the left column.

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