Configuration of the "Hold and fire" functionality

Order in advance

It is possible that it is interesting for a restaurant to want customers to be able to order several days in advance,

the HOLD AND FIRE functionality, is somewhat different in its use than the order in advance, the Hold and fire allows the restaurant to decide when it wants the ticket to be printed, rather than, as on the order at the advance without Hold and fire, that they print when the customer orders and take the risk of misplacing or forgetting to store the customer receipt.

Indeed, there are 2 possibilities with the hold and fire to choose the printing moment:

1) Activate Hold and Fire in the " Configurations " category then " online order ", without going to the command mode, there is a " Hold and fire " line further down the page:

It is also important to activate the order in advance this time in the ordering mode (take out or delivery) and check this box:

2) Choice of printing moment:

  • The "Minutes" line, allows you to choose the time before tickets are printed, the iShopFood team recommends not to put a time less than 60 minutes, for operational reasons, in fact, if an order does not take place. not return in the POS due to a technical reason, it will be necessary that the restaurateur has previously put an email in the "Emails" field. when an order does not go through, the platform sends an email which will indicate that the order must be re-launched (see below how to re-launch a failed order).
  • The Schedule line allows you to choose the time at which each day the Hold and fire will send the tickets of the day sent a hold and fire

            Warning: You must choose one of the two methods, they are not two complementary methods.

3) Relaunch a failed sale when it did not go to the POS and an email has been sent:

If the email that informs that an order could not go to the POS is sent, it will be necessary to return this sale, by going to the "sale" section and then looking for the sale with the fields provided for this purpose , and click on "Send to POS"

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