Sales reports and statistics

Statistics are a great source of clues for building your successful marketing plan and promoting. They will allow you to know which categories or products have been the most sold and even calculate the total amount of tips.

Generate a sales report

  1. To reach the sales reports page, first choose a branch.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Report on the Marketing Tool tab, and then click Sales Report .
  3. Choose the start and end dates of your report, then the information you want to find there.
  4. Click Generate to create and view your report.

Sales statistics

  1. To reach your sales statistics, first choose a branch.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Report on the Marketing Tool tab, and then click Statistics .
  3. On this page, you can choose the statistics for the duration of your choice.

Sales report: By Postal code

This page allows you to export the data of customers who have placed orders on the iShopFood platform in your establishment

By going to the Marketing Tools section > Report> Customer reports, you will find the "Client Reports" section:

On this page you will be able to generate a sales report, based on customer postal codes, for this:

-Click on "Report type" and choose "Zip codes"

-Choose the desired parameters above and Generate the report

The platform will then generate a table under the section that you could download as a CSV file and use this data for your marketing:

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