Online ordering configuration: Adapting the platform to your company

Adapt online ordering to your business needs by activating and managing each of the services offered. This video and our FAQ will help you familiarize yourself with the iShopFood online ordering configuration tools.

  1. Basic configurations
    The basic configurations represent the bulk of the settings available for online ordering, including the types of services offered, tips and anonymous orders.
  2. Take out orders
    The general take-out order configuration allows you to set the minimum preparation time and the minimum amount of a take-out order and the hours of availability for this type of service.
  3. Order in advance
    Ordering in advance will allow your customers to define the time at which they will pick up their order.
  4. Delivery orders
    Set your delivery areas or activate the possibility of making deliveries via a third-party company.
  5. Orders at the table
    Offer your customers the possibility of ordering their meal directly at their table, without a waiter.
  6. Room orders
    Activate room service the same way as table orders.

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