The customer has placed his order, but the invoice does not print.

On your website or ordering page

  1. If the command interface is on your website, check if it is functioning normally. Also check that your branch's internet connection is on.
  2. Go to your command line interface to see if it is active and functioning normally.
  3. If online ordering is active and functional, perform a test order.

On your local fund (Maitre'D)

  1. On the Maitre'D interface, check the reading of the employee in charge of online orders.
  2. If the orders are not displayed under the employee in charge, check that the local cash register is open, with the latest update.
  3. If there is a problem with your local checkout, contact your POS distributor.

On your iShopFood management interface

  1. If the problem persists after contacting your POS distributor, go to the iShopFood management interface at
  2. In the Status and Support section of your branch, perform a connection test.
  3. If the connection test is positive, go to the next step. If the connection test is negative, contact your reseller.
  4. In the Sales section of your branch, confirm that the sale has been entered.
  5. If it is in the management interface, contact your POS distributor with the order information (Full name and invoice number).
  6. If the order is not in the management interface, the customer has not completed and sent his order.

Validate whether the online order is in your POS (under the Employee Online Order) or in the back office. If the online order is in the POS, please call your POS distributor and not iShopFood support. This is a POS printing issue, not an iShopFood online ordering issue.

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